Why I Don’t Do New Year’s Resolutions
It has become a joke for many to talk about resolutions for the new year and then breaking them by late January, if not sooner, then resolving to do better the next year, which produces the same result. I am not opposed to being resolved to do something different, especially if it means better spiritual development and discipline. Man’s idea of the New Years Resolutions is to live as he wants until the end of the year, attempt to make changes, then fall back to living again like he wants to until the end of the year, then…repeat. It never ends. A cycle of failure brought on by man’s lack of self control. Thus, a resolution, as defined by man’s standards, doesn’t work. Just look at the lack of seriousness concerning them.
Many say they hope the new year will be better. For many, the current year may have been filled with pain, suffering, loss and grief. I understand their sentiment. We have all had “bad” years in human terms. But the end of one year doesn’t mean the trials stop. Proverbs 27:1 “Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring forth.” A new year doesn’t change this. We do manage good and bad years on what happens, I understand that. But, what I am coming to learn is, every day is a day the Lord has made. Ecclesiastes 7:14 “In the day of prosperity be happy, But in the day of adversity consider, God has made the one as well as the other.” It’s not easy to grasp because we don’t like troubles. You will have times of prosperity (not wealth only) where you are on the mountain so to speak. But, there will be times of difficulty. In those times, God hasn’t left or is unattainable. He is God, He is in control, and He ordained everything. It’s not a game of chance.
I am not opposed to resolutions. I am opposed to empty ones, at a specific time rooted in human philosophy. Jonathan Edwards was known for his 70 resolutions. And they didn’t begin on the first day in January. As we grow in Christ, we see our need for deeper knowledge of God. We see a need to adjust and change our thinking and life. It is always for the better. The process of sanctification is a glorious one, as we see God molding our life to reflect holiness, to be more like Him. Yes, we need to lose weight, eat better or not worry so much, but don’t start those on the first day of a new year…every year. Start them now, or tomorrow.
The third resolution Jonathan Edwards made was “Resolved, if ever I shall fall and grow dull, so as to neglect to keep any part of these Resolutions, to repent of all I can remember, when I come to myself again.” If there’s a place we may have been or are at, it’s here. I do at times grow dull, calloused. I don’t intend to do so. We grow dull of hearing God. We grow dull of reading His word. We grow dull of mercy. As you see this happening, resolve to change.
For me, resolution 5 is important, “Resolved, never to lose one moment of time; but improve it the most profitable way I possibly can.” In the day of social media, we often spend hours looking at what other people say about things, watching videos and wasting much of our life. Really, we could use that time for more productive things, such as reading the word of God. I am not against social media, but one should look at the time spent on it versus the time spent on spiritual growth. And by the way, TV and other mediums are time wasters too. Consider those as well.
So, as 2021 closes and yet another year is upon us, I want to make the best of the time I have left, and who knows how long that is. I want to honor God in my time, my thoughts and my efforts, that they are are fruitful for the kingdom and for His glory. I have looked and seen what shortcomings I have had over the past year, and I want to resolve those. I want to commit myself to the areas of reading and study where I’ve fallen short. I resolve to read the Scriptures more, to be sensitive to the needs of others around me. I resolve to use my time better for the advancement of my spiritual mind. If in mid-march you see areas you’ve resolved to improve slipping, recommit to them. Don’t wait until 2023.