God’s Sovereignty Over All

I am convinced God’s sovereignty is over everything, and I mean everything. I do not assert the fact that I am not responsible for my own actions, but I am convinced God moves and places things in order to accomplish his will, including elections. Yes, God has a hand in governments, kingdoms, countries and authorities.
In America we have the blessed privilege of voting for our leaders. Being a Christian does not mean you should take a passive role in the voting process. For believers, our views should be derived from the Scriptures. We have never elected a pastor to be the President. We have elected men who are Christians, and hold to biblical views of life. We have elected men who oppose Christianity, who do not adhere to life as God views life. Therefore, it is vital that you participate in the election process to support those who affirm biblical views.
Your peace and joy should not rest in who is elected to public office. Even though, if someone who is elected is hostile to Christian beliefs, they aren’t there or placed there out of happenstance. This coming election of 2020 is one for believers to consider greatly. The fact is the Democrat party is now enshrined by Marxist anti-Christian leaders. Just look around at Democrat states threatening and imposing restrictions of churches, and not on those who riot or so-called protestors. When liquor stores and abortion clinics are considered essential, we simply are in the midst of depravity. And let me be clear, I am not advocating that the Republican party is the savior party either.
It concerns me if radical anti-Christian people are put into power in the USA, but whoever is elected is a divine sovereign appointment of God. Daniel 2:21 “It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men And knowledge to men of understanding.” If God is sovereign over all, then of course, he is sovereign over all. As believers cast their votes for the man who is less likely to oppress and persecute Christians and he is not elected, it is God’s divine plan for that. We pray for the outcome to be in favor of Christians; however, in God’s sovereign plan, it may be for persecution to come and the gospel to prosper under that.
I am at peace with the will of God, whatever that may be. If unrest and persecution comes, then it’s the will of God. I will pray and advocate for gospel centered solutions not secular humanistic means such as CRT (critical race theory), which is being propagated by Christian leaders of influence. Many evangelicals are looking for secular human solutions to deeply spiritual issues. Only the gospel can change that. Only the gospel can make a dead man live or dry bones live. Nothing centered around personal, human-invoked change can.
I am concerned for our nation. I am concerned for the very real probability of persecution coming from a national level of leaders who oppose Christian beliefs. The Democratic Party is the party of death. They hold to abortion on demand and defend the right to murder a child that is even born alive after a botched abortion. They actively promote gender identify and sexual perversion and condemn those who believe in the natural man/woman identification. And as we have seen during the recent pandemic lock-downs, Democratic leaders are closing and threatening churches and not protestors, rioters, abortion clinics or liquor stores.
There is only one thing that gives me peace and hope, and that’s the God that knows me is faithful and doesn’t make any mistakes. Daniel made this clear in our previous text, “He removes kings and establishes kings.” Every single President that has ever been elected in our nation has been the divine will of God. And as much as I protest the election of anti-Christian Democrats, I know that whoever is elected is the sovereign will of God.
For the Christian, we affirm and look forward to a new heaven and earth. We look for a city whose builder and maker is God. And as Jesus said to Pilate in John 18 “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.” This is vital for us as Christians as we face the real possibility of increased persecution. As a believer, if your joy is based upon who is elected then you are not looking toward home. You are looking for joy and peace based upon your circumstances here, and they will never be satisfactory.
When the election is over, God is still God, and His plan is still good. No matter who is elected, it is the divine will of God, even though your candidate may not have won. I prefer one over the other. I believe one will be less likely to invoke persecutions and restrictions on believers. At the end of the day, I will still believe and still work to share, teach and spread the gospel of Christ to all. That’s our purpose. We don’t share Christ when it’s convenient for us. We share Christ in all circumstances. Romans 8:38-39 “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
The Lord may be sifting the wheat and the chaff. He could be removing the fake prosperity, easy believe-ism gospel and refining those who are His. I would suggest you pray for God’s will to be done. And whatever comes is His will. Accept that and live for the glory of God. Suffering, tribulation and trials may come at the hands of elected officials. But don’t be surprised, 1 Peter 4:12 “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you.”
Brothers and sisters, no matter who is king, president or ruler, God rules them. Period. Trusting in God’s sovereign plan helps us to walk through this life in hope and peace that the world cannot give. Press on.